Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Meeting the parents

Keeping busy is always good for me! And with my two little ones keeping me on my toes I am busy most of the time ;0)

I somehow managed to meet up with Diane and Dave this weekend to meet Diane's parents Toni and David. It’s a very bittersweet time for Diane’s family right now, as her grandmother just passed away just last week. I know they will all be thinking about Joyce and wishing she could be there to celebrate along with the family. Diane’s mom has been helping out with so many details and had flowers all over her dining room table. I’m really looking forward to their wedding this weekend and also meeting Dave’s parents Esther and… you guessed it- David! I can’t wait to do the formals… “No I mean the other David!“

After I left I stopped by a local lab and I saw some great albums that I can’t wait to share with them!!! So I’ll end with a few pics from their engagement shoot. The first image (the black and white) they included with their invitation. Aren’t they stunning?! How lucky am I to make my first sample album with such a great looking couple!!!

Don’t forget to check back here after the big day for more images! :0)

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